Song #5 - "Trust" (Proverbs 3:5-10)



“Trust” is the 2nd song on my CD “Words of Faith and Hope” which you can listen to at:


Lyrics:  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowlege Him and He shall direct your path. 

Don’t be wise in your own eyes, but fear the Lord, and run from evil. It will be health unto your flesh, and strength unto you bones…Trust in the Lord!

Honor the Lord with your posessions, and with the first fruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.” 



Trust issues are a “thing” these days. Trust needs to be earned and preserved like a precious jewel. Once trust is lost, it is very difficult to regain.

When it comes to trusting in the Lord, it usually starts out blindly by faith.  God does not need us to trust Him; He’s God, He doesn’t need anything, but He wants us to trust Him so that we can experience more of who He is. Like a loving father, He wants to show us how to do things so that we are prepared for our future…reigning with Him.


I have discovered that when you trust in the Lord, the more you WANT to trust in the Lord because it is so cool how He does things. The blind faith aspect never goes away, but the longer you’ve been trusting Him, the more you can look back and see how trust equals blessing.  When practicing trust, you learn to distinguish when He is asking you to take a step of faith, and you become more responsive to His call. 


One Thanksgiving Day we made a bunch of sack lunches and headed out looking for people to give them to. We felt the Lord leading us up a certain street and we drove to the front of an apartment building, stopped, and my wife got out with 2 lunches. A smiling lady came out and said thank you for bringing the lunches. She had been praying that morning for the Lord to provide her with something to serve her friend that was coming over. We had no idea who she was or what she needed, but she was trusting God to provide for her, and we were trusting God to lead us to whomever needed the lunches…so all of us were extremely blessed.


Trust always involves risk, but it’s worth it when you are placing that trust in God. He has earned our trust, and He will never violate it. The more you trust, the more blessed you will be…He can be trusted. 


