Song #19; "The Counselor" (John14)

Song #19; “The Counselor” (John 14)


We have 3 days left in 2018…’19 is approaching really fast. so I thought song #19 would be a good segway. “The Counselor” can be heard on my website,, and can be found on the Words of Life CD.

This was the song that got me started recording scripture songs. 

Here’s the back story:   I had shared “The Counselor” during a class on a Wednesday night at church; nothing out of the ordinary. Fast forward one year; my wife was at a women’s meeting when a woman approached her asking, “aren’t you Wes’ wife?” After my wife affirmed that she was, this woman proceeded to tell her how this song had been sustaining and helping her through some tough situations over the past year. Well, when Lynn got home and shared this testimony, she insisted that I go into the studio and record it…and so the journey began. Now we are sharing these scripture songs together in hopes that some folks will grab hold of the truth of the Word, and use it to triumph over their life’s circumstances. The truth of the Word never changes, but it can change your life forever if you will use it properly.



“The Counselor, The Holy Spirit, whom The Father will send in My name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything I’ve said to you.  Peace, I leave with you, My peace, I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you, don’t let your heart be troubled, and do not be afraid.”



Jesus promised that when He ascended to heaven, He would send Holy Spirit to come and be our Helper, our teacher, and remind us of what He taught us. 

The thought of someone coming alongside of me to help me in any and all situations, to teach me what I need to know to live a successful life, and to be there to remind me of what I was taught has got to be one of the greatest offers ever. The cool thing is that it’s true, and the offer still stands.

2019 is at our doorstep, and there is still an offer on the table for you to have a personal life coach/guidance counselor/study partner/ comforter…and I could go on and on. The question is, will you take the offer seriously?

You can have a very blessed 2019…I pray that you will.


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