Song #17 Thank You (Matthew 11:25)

Song #17:    Thank You  (Matt. 11)


Here we are in November, the “Thanksgiving” month; so, I thought I’d share “Thank You” to help get our focus on Him, the one who gives us so much to be thankful for.


This song does not appear on any of my current CD’s, but you can listen to it and watch the video on my website:


The audio version has several dozen people saying thank you in their native tongue within the song itself. The video (long version) has all of them on video at the end.


I hope you will enjoy the reggae beat…turn it up real loud, and dance around where ever you are…thankfulness should be a fun thing, yes??


Lyrics:    “Thank You”    (sum total of all the lyrics)



I was sitting in church listening to a pastor talk about King David, of Israel, hiring many people to give thanks to God continually; this captured my imagination, and a few day later “Thank You” became a song.

A few years earlier, I was at a business seminar, and the speaker challenged us to try and write down 100 things that you are thankful for. I took the challenge, and that list is in my phone to this day. I often refer to it, and recite the list to myself as a reminder of how much I have to be thankful for.


I want to thank all who read this and listen to my song, and watch my video. 

My prayer for you during this Thanksgiving season is that you would take some time to stop and think of things, past, present or future that you can be thankful for. Need a nudge? How about water to drink, or air to breathe; family and friends by name; golf courses are on my list too…haha.

The point is that we all have some things to be thankful for, and making a list might help you someday, should you lose your rose colored glasses.


The scriptures refer, over and over again, to Israel building altars to remember what God did for them…in fact, Passover IS a feast of remembrance of God delivering them from bondage. Psalm 78 is a great example of what happens when we forget the blessings of our past…so, let’s make a concerted effort to remember our blessings, and be thankful for them, big and small.


We are thankful for all of you, Happy Thanksgiving


Wes and Lynn